Employment Opportunities
We currently have one open position. Continue to check back in for updates!
Please click the button below for job description and application details.
Charter School Board Opportunities
Charter Success Partners is always seeking new community based board members for our existing and upcoming partner schools.
Serving on the board of a charter school is an opportunity to have a meaningful impact locally in your community and a far-reaching impact helping to provide a quality education for hundreds of students.
Responsibilities of a board member:
Uphold the school mission and by-laws
Establish, review and revise (as necessary) the policies of the school
Oversee and ensure fiscal responsibility in the operation of the school
Work with the school administration to support day to day operation of the school
Monitor operations to ensure financial security and strategic planning
Evaluate and update the job responsibilities of the Managing Director
Select and evaluate the Managing Director; confirm hiring of school personnel
Attend Board meetings as scheduled and school functions as appropriate
Serve on at least one board subcommittee needed for the operation of the school
While a background in education is always a plus, it is not necessary to enact meaningful change through this position. We are looking for local community leaders and people with experience in non-profits, finance, real estate, legal fields, and more. Here are some additional qualifications:
advocating for public education in NC, and the charter school role in the public education system
having experience and/or a skill set that adds value to the work of the Board
having the respect of those with whom you have previously worked
having a desire to be an active Board member in a non-profit organization
being a team member who can provide solutions and a positive attitude
Being a resident of good standing in North Carolina.
If you or someone you know is interested in serving on a Board of Directors for a charter school, please complete the application here. We look forward to hearing from potential board members who want to support these wonderful programs. We will contact you when we have a board forming in your area.